Augmented Total Theatre: Shaping the Future of Immersive Augmented Reality Representations

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Augmented Total Theatre: Shaping the Future of Immersive Augmented Reality Representations Expanding Human Sensory Experiences through Theatrical Innovation Sergio Cicconi – Dept. Information Engineering and Computer Science – University of Trento (ITALY) Published in i-com – Journal of Interactive Media, … Continued

Augmented Classrooms: A Generator Of Augmented Reality Environments For Learning

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Augmented Classrooms: A Generator of Augmented Environments for Learning Sergio Cicconi, Maurizio Marchese Dept. Information Engineering and Computer Science – University of Trento (ITALY) 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (INTED) 2023, 6-9 March 2023, Valencia: INTED2023 Proceedings, pp.3405-3413, … Continued

Is there a mind in this mind?

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can we really state that the electronic highways and the virtual culture, are just sophisticated systems in charge for the dissolution of our body and of the experience of reality?


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Mapping   Territory: the field of action or thought or domain or province of something. Map: a graphical representation or charting of the whole or part of the earth’s surface, the heavens or one of the heavenly bodies; anything which … Continued

Augmented Learning: An E-Learning Environment In Augmented Reality For Older Adults

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an innovative learning environment specifically tailored for older adults, easily accessible without any previous knowledge of technology, and capable of delivering educational material on technology and, particularly, on e-services.

Analysis Of An E-Learning Augmented Environment: A Semiotic Approach To Augmented Reality Applications

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In this paper, we analyze Augmented Reality (AR) in the context of a semiotic theory of new media. So, we will analyze the new forms of communication which are produced with AR technology, that is, the Augmented Environments generated by applications running on head-mounted devices created with AR technology. And we intend to use semiotics of media to conduct such analysis. We believe that the semiotic approach to Augmented environments can greatly increase the knowledge on AR and, consequently, help designers, developers, analysts, and users to better understand the new ways of perceiving the world offered by AR.

Prime navigazioni in rete: introduzione alle reti informatiche

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Questo lavoro non ha certamente l’intenzione di sostituirsi ai manuali teorico-tecnici sulle reti, ma vuole presentarsi piuttosto come un sintetico complemento-commento ad essi. Le reti (e, parallelamente ad esse, tutti i nuovi sistemi informatici destinati alla produzione di comunicati multimediali in forma ipertestuale) saranno in un futuro molto prossimo il veicolo primario (e a basso costo) per lo scambio internazionale di informazioni, e quindi si dovrà pensarle come strumenti polifunzionali di comunicazione candidati non soltanto al ruolo di supporti-mediatori-integratori di conoscenza digitalizzata, ma anche e soprattutto di creatori di una nuova capacità di percezione e manipolazione dei fenomeni.

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