FOR ENC 1101 SEC.1342
So far, you have written two autobiographies, each of whichsomehow "represents" a particular version of "you".
Now, I want you to examine these two versions of "you" and writea short essay on the concept of "WRITING MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY".
In writing this assignment make sure to address one or more of the following questions:
- What is an autobiography?
- How did you write your autobiographies?
- How many autobiographies can you write?
- What is the relationship between "you" (the you youbelieve you are) and the descriptions you give ofyourself?
- What do you think about yourself?
- How do you present yourself (in general)?
- What is the difference between what you THINK about yourselfand what you ARE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE by means of the linguistictools you use?
- How do you present yourself when you use the writtenlanguage?
- Do you think that your written descriptions enable the readerto understand who you REALLY are?
- Are the descriptions and/or the representations that you giveof yourself in these two autobiographies different? Yes? No? How?Why? (please, do not come up with things like 'because one islonger than the other')
- Is the second description (20 lines) better, or "more real"than the first one? Yes? No? Why?
Here are some suggestions for you:
- don't panic;
- decide what questions you want to answer;
- try to articulate your answers;
- you might want to use a piece of paper to organize your ideas(remember: you can use freewriting, looping, clustering);
- first think, then put down your ideas, then organize them,then write, then read what you wrote, and, finally, wonder: doesmy reader (who cannot read my mind) UNDERSTAND what I have inmind?