I want to remind you what you have do in order to get the grade. It's nothing new, but since it seems to me that not everybody understands this (or listens to me when I speak in class) I will repeat myself. Then, I don't want to come to class on the 25th of April and hear things like "I wasn't in class", "I didn't know that I had to do this...." etc.!
So you have to:
1) finish the second paper (due on April 25th - STAPLED !) and put it on line
2) give me the first paper (the one I have already graded - STAPLED!))
3) print out all the pages that you have written in Netscape (so I can go
through them and mark them with the pencil -STAPLED)
In your netscape pages I want to see:
1) some writing (for example your autobiography)
2) pictures (connected to you/what you write about; I won't be happy if the
pictures are just there for the sake of
being there, with no connection with what you
write about (that is, you picked up the first pictures you found in
the net)
3) links to different pages (and please, if you create a link DO NOT
call it "link" because then I don't know what that link is for. If that link
takes me to your second paper, then call it, for example, PAPER 2. "Link"
does not work, and I don't want to see that word in your pages.
Everything HAS to be in a folder with your name on. I won't accept a bunch of unstapled sheets. I tell you this well in advance, and so please do not come to class the day the above things are due and tell me "I forgot the folder, I forgot to staple the paper, I forgot my head, I wasn't in class, I hate computers, I don't know how to put images on line, I don't understand what you want, is this a Gordon rule class? (yes it is), I have another paper due, etc...
The people who did not come to my office and who did not even care to tell me that they were not coming should give me a good reason to believe that they are still interested to get a grade that does not look like an F.
Today, April 25th, I looked at your home pages. If you see a message when you click on your name, than that means that you did not do whatever I expected you to do in order to get your grade. That means that your grade will reflect your work, your attention, interest, participation, or your lack of attention, etc...