
Gli ipertesti e la comunicazione multimediale

posted in: essays, hypertext | 0

Gli ipertesti e, più in generale, una logica ipertestuale, producono una trasformazione nei criteri di scambio di informazioni, nei modi stessi di fare comunicazione, e rimettono in discussione molti dei paradigmi ormai assestati a proposito delle concezioni di testo, di analisi testuale, e dei rapporti che vengono a instaurarsi tra gli autori di testi e gli utenti/fruitori.

Narrativa ipertestuale? Non ancora, grazie!

posted in: essays, hypertext | 0

Riuscirà la narrativa ipertestuale, nata e cresciuta sul Web, a soppiantare il libro? E quali conseguenze avrà sui nostri processi cognitivi la rappresentazione del sapere in forma ipertestuale?


posted in: essays, hypertext | 0

By progressively extending their influence on a larger number of users, hypertexts, and, in general, a hypertextual logic not only will have a substantial role in reshaping the criteria through which information is created and exchanged, but will also dismantle the solidity of many paradigms now in use on the notions of text and textual analysis, and on the relationships between the authors and readers/users of multimedial documents.

The Shaping of Hypertextual Narrative

posted in: essays, hypertext | 2

I have already discussed the concept of hypertext in the past when I tried to analyze what hypertexts are, how they work, and how they can be used. I then also described the changes hypertexts are going to introduce in our perception of texts. Placed within the new electronic paradigm, hypertext will introduce substantial changes in our way of dealing with information, of perceiving, creating, preserving, and representing knowledge; in short: our way of thinking. I thus would like to focus here on a special kinds of hypertexts: the narrative hypertexts.