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Towards a definition of multimediality
Paper presented at the Conference at the XIII Vakki Symposiumi, Vakki, Finland, 1993. |
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In dealing with multimediality and multimedial texts we are often struck by the fact that thick layers of meanings tend more and more to grow around words such as media, multimedia and multimedial communication. But it seems clear by now that the word Multi ─ more than one ─ does not really tell us much about the relations among the 'things' that are somehow joined together, or about those things themselves. Neither it does the word Media, whose definition has more and more assumed a sort of umbrella-like character, since it contains many different and often incompatible sub-definitions which easily confuse the reader. If we want to understand in a more proper way the meaning of such a words, and if we want to have a clearer picture of their use in multimedial communication, we need then to 'go back to the roots' and try to re-think about them and maybe re-define them, especially during a time in which multimediality has to find its place in a world shaped by the new concepts of hyper-mediality, poli-mediality and tele-mediality. We can distinguish at least three reasons for the umbrella-like character of the definition of media. A) First of all, we must think that the definition of media is always a function of the context within which it is used. People operating within a particular context tend to include into their definition only those features which have proved themselves to be useful, and, consequently, to exclude form such a definition those features which, within that particular context, are meaningless for the users. If, for example, somebody's interests are mostly oriented toward the use of a medium ─ let's say the cinema ─ for artistic purposes, s/he does not really have to care too much about the technical problems connected to the construction of a movie-device such as a video camera. And this, of course, determines/modifies his/her understanding of what the medium 'cinema' is (and, as we will see later, also his/her understanding of what that medium can/cannot do). We can identify four main contextually given areas of definition of media:
C) The definition of media has a strong historical character. This means that one particular medium used by one culture in the 'same' context, but in two different historical times, can have two different (and sometimes contradicting) definitions. From what we have seen it should then be clear that a general definition of media has to account for the presence and the co-existence of all the possible sub-definitions which are historically, culturally and contextually given, and which are therefore subjected to be changed. In order to reach the core of our definition, we must then take into account the following important (although apparently taken for granted) fact: if we deal with media we inevitably have to deal with communication, too. This means that we also have to deal with some physical 'objects' (the 'texts' or the physical manifestation of the 'texts') that are created (at a certain time, in a certain place, and in a given context) by somebody (an individual historically and culturally characterized) and transmitted through the medium/a to somebody else (another individual historically and culturally characterized, too). All this has some important consequences in the shaping of the definition we look for:
Assuming that we have already constructed our typologies, we can now continue by giving that definition of media (or, from now on, it should be more proper to speak about a medium, or rather, a technical medium; the difference between technical and non-technical media will be discussed later) which should be the goal of our research: a technical medium is a configuration of inter-connected structures which are instantiated (physically builded) on particular supports/devices. They allow the acquisition of certain chains of physical elements (related to some states of affairs in the world); these chains of elements are transported, stored, re-transported, and exposed. During the processes of transportation, storage, and exposure the original elements and their original order (and, therefore, their relations to certain states of affairs) can be transformed into new physical elements and can be connected together in a new order, so that they become the physical manifestation of a new text which can be used in a possible communicative process. We can try to reach the understanding of this complex definition by examining some figures. First of all, as we have already said, we need to place the medium within a communicative situation. Figure 1 shows the classical (and oversimplified) model of communicative situation.
We are not interested now in knowing any of the features characterizing the two communicators, the context of communication, or the systems of rules relating states of affairs in the world to sets of physical distinct elements. It is the channel to focus our attention. In the model presented in Figure 1, the channel is supposed to be just a neutral means of transmission of the codified chain of elements. But if we want to deal with the definition of media we are forced to abandon this naive conception of channel. Figure 2 shows the attempt at making a first distinction between channels and media.
It is easy to see at this point that a first, yet unshaped, definition of technical medium emerges by contrast, as a consequence of the distinction presented above: A technical medium is that means/matter used in a communicative process which alters in a peculiar and evident way the chain of elements (and therefore their relations to some states of affairs in a certain world) which goes through it. In this sense, we can think of a technical medium as a sort of filter which manipulates chains of physical elements (together with their meanings). If we call (in a rather vague and general sense) 'Text' that chain of physical elements related to some states of affairs in at least one possible world, than we can see in Figure 3 a more detailed model of what in Figure 1 was called 'channel'.
Figure 4 shows in a more detailed way what happens when the text is 'filtered' by Md.
Figure 5 shows more clearly the processes of manipulation of the physical manifestation of a text (together with its meanings). In general, we can say that Figure 5 describes the structural organization of a whatsoever kind of medium. We should think of each medium as a configuration of codified structures (which, all together, can be thought as the 'grammar' of the medium) which are created in order to make the communication possible (that is, these structures exist independently from concrete communicative functions/purposes; they make it possible to communicate). Each of those structures is a set of elements organized according to some syntactic rules. In a concrete working medium each structure is physically realized by one or more physical devices fulfilling a needed function.
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