Studio d'Arte Cannaviello
Via Stoppani 15, 20129 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 20240428
Fax++39 02 20244645
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10:30am/7:30pm
Contact: Enzo Cannaviello
E-mail: cannaviello@interfree.it

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Studio d'Arte Cannaviello
Francesco De Grandi Carne e Cielo

Entitled Carne e Cielo ("Flesh and Sky"), Francesco De Grandi’s solo show consists of his most recent large- and medium-scale oil-on-canvas pieces. The works propel the viewer into an imaginary post-industrial landscape, a world that the artist has been exploring for many years now. De Grandi’s narrative, which is apparently didactic, tells the tale of man in his final incarnation; the people he depicts wander through environments that embody the worst excesses of decay, through a world that cherishes technology whilst pushing human beings to the very limits in order to survive, through a violent, ruined state. Thus, De Grandi’s resumption of the narrative painting tradition is off-set by his depiction of the very latest developments in urban culture: cyber punk, post-human, post-industrial, etc.
The absence of any definite timeframe creates a sort of mental shift in De Grandi’s work. The characters and stories that the artist portrays are tableaux vivant of an era that seems to belong to the past but that, in fact, doesn’t yet exist. It is of the immediate future, yet terrifyingly contemporary. The perennial theme of these mini-dramas is the human condition. These are stories of mutant men and women, their musculature weakened, making their way across the surface of a world in which those with a bodily form are rejects.
If, on the one hand, De Grandi’s paintings evoke the very best of the cutting-edge comic tradition—the renowned Frigidaire comic books and the drawings of Tanino Liberatore to name but two—in reality, his paintings are whole stories that contain elements of early twentieth century social realism. Images of a “proletariat,” that is, without any hope of revolution; unsettling skies loom over men who have been reduced to insects, in a landscape that is never picturesque, but rather compellingly detailed, as only certain prophetic nightmares know how to be.
A catalogue printed by the Stamperia dell’Arancio, including a critical text by Alberto Fiz, is been published to coincide with the exhibition.

Francesco De Grandi, born in 1968 in Palermo, lives and work in Milan.
Main group exhibitions: Il rock č duro 3, Autorimessa, Rome (1995). Martiri e Santi Galleria l’Attico, Rome (1996).Antologia, Spazio Herno, Turin - Trevi Flash Art Museum, Perugia (1996). Trapassato Futuro, Cartiere Vannucci, Milan (2000). Sui Generis, PAC Milan (2000). Trailers Studio d’Arte Cannaviello, Milan (2001). Palermo Blues Cantieri Culturali alla Zisa, Palermo – Cartiere Vannucci, Milan (2001).
Main solo exhibition: Bestiamara, Es arte contemporanea, Turin (1995). Le Vittime dell’Alveare, Sergio Tossi arte contemporanea, Prato (1996). Grrrrls Es arte contemporanea, Turin (1996). Amanita Muscaria Es arte contemporanea, Turin (1998). Sarrbaggi, Les Chances de l’Art, Bolzano (1998). L’Anima Raschiante, Marazzani Visconti Terzi, Piacenza (1999). La Cala, Sergio Tossi arte contemporanea, Prato (1999). Discorsi Sospesi, Es arte contemporanea, Turin (2000).

Torre Velasca

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