Studio d'Arte Cannaviello
Via Stoppani 15, 20129 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 20240428
Fax++39 02 20244645
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10:30am/7:30pm
Contact: Enzo Cannaviello
E-mail: cannaviello@interfree.it

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Studio d'Arte Cannaviello
Enzo Cannaviello - Un percorso nella pittura

A Journey Through Painting
Museo dell'Arredo Contemporaneo, Russi (Ravenna)

The Museum of Contemporary Furnishings has installed an exhibition that aims to celebrate the thirty-year career of one of Italy’s great gallerists. To maintain an organic fluidity to the exhibition, the works on show have been selected from the Galleria Cannaviello’s paintings store, although this has unfortunately necessitated to omission of important artists such as Christian Boltanski, Vincenzo Agnetti, Bill Beckley, Jochen Gerz, Peter Hutchinson, Fabio Mauri, Robert Longo, Nunzio, Bernard Venet, who have also played an important role in the gallery’s history.
One work per artist is on display and Cannaviello himself has personally chosen each piece. The exhibition aims to confirm, to as wide an audience as possible, the enormous cultural impact that art galleries have on society activity, in particular one such as the Galleria Cannaviello, which distinguishes itself by determining new trends and thus performing an extremely important role in terms of building bridges between artist, public, critics, and art institutions.
It is not mere coincidence that Galleria Cannaviello was selected to fill this role in the exhibition. Since it opened its doors in 1968, the gallery has consistently invested in each new generation, promoting the youngest artists and, at no small risk to themselves, supporting those who the market or the critics had not yet acknowledged. The gallery’s history is notable for the number of choices and of instincts followed that seem quite sensational now: Cannaviello was the first to “discover” Italian artists such as Mimmo Paladino and Carlo Maria Mariani; the first in Italy to pay any attention to those middle-European painters (Georg Baselitz, AR Penck, Sigmar Polke, Karl Host Hödicke, Rainer Fetting, Helmut Middendorf, Siegfried Anzinger, Bernd Zimmer to name but a few that would go on to become the leading names in Neo-expressionism; and the first in Italy to display Robert Longo, David Salle, Martin Disler, Donald Baechler, Niki Hoberman, Anselm Stalder, etc.
The gallery is constantly reinventing itself. In recent years, while maintaining its line devoted mainly to painting, it has devoted more attention to young artists, both Italian and non—such as Pierluigi Pusole, Daniele Galliano, Federico Guida, Bas Meerman, Till Freiwald, Francesco De Grandi, and Karin Andersen —who, although still working in the traditional painting media, reopen the dialogue between painting and photography, cinema, and media imagery.
ESSEGI Edizioni, Ravenna, has published a catalogue to coincide with the exhibition.

Works by: Hermann Albert, Karin Andersen, Siegfried Anzinger, Donald Baechler, Georg Baselitz ,Frank Bauer, Alighiero Boetti, Gunter Brus, Walter Dahn, Francesco De Grandi, Martin Disler, Jean Dubuffet, Rainer Fetting, T. Freiwald, Daniele Galliano, Javier Garcerŕ, Gérard Garouste, Mimmo Germanŕ, Federico Guida, Niki Hoberman, Karl Host Hödicke, Jorg Immendorf, Bernd Köberling, Milan Kunc, Davide La Rocca, Maria Lassnig, Urs Lüthi, Carlo Maria Mariani, Bas Meerman, K.K. Mehrkens, Ryan Mendoza, Helmut Middendorf, Hermann Nitsch, Mimmo Paladino, A. R. Penck, Federico Pietrella, Cristiano Pintaldi, Piero Pizzi Cannella, Sigmar Polke, Luigi Presicce, Pierluigi Pusole, Arnulf Rainer, Mimmo Rotella, Salvo, Gianluca Sgherri, Anselm Stalder, Santiago Ydańez, Marc von Criegern, Bernd Zimmer.
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