Galleria Morone
Via G. Morone 3, 20121 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 72001994
Fax++39 02 72002163
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 11am-7pm and by appointment
Contact: Katia Spadon

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Galleria Morone
Alan Davie

“Abandoning even the automatic mental processes that are intrinsic to a technologically-advanced civilization, the reader, stripped of his critical faculties, opens up his mind to his primordial instincts. Only in this way can our congenital intuitive conscience—that which is capable of penetrating the mysteries of nature—be brought to life once again. Hence, the artwork assumes an esoteric value equivalent to that which it has in primitive societies. Art is the sounding board against which man can verify the development of the instinctive realm; it is the instrument of mediation through which he is able to face the mysteries of the universe. Alan Davie adopts the role of the archetypal artist-shaman figure who sets the conditions by which the reader-initiate rediscovers himself as an integral part of nature.” (Extract from the catalogue text, edited by Daniele Astrologo Abadal)
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