Maniero Associazione Culturale Via dell'Arancio 79, 00186 Roma
Tel.++39 06 68807116
Fax++39 06 68807116
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 4pm-8pm and by appointment Contact: Liliana Maniero
E-mail: maniero.l@libero.it
Maniero Associazione Culturale |
Francesca Tulli Storie trasversali
In this latest solo show, Francesca Tulli is exhibiting her most recent works—oil-on-canvas pieces of varying sizes. The works are “storie trasversali,” or intersecting stories, which do not relate particular events, but gather different situations together. The mysterious, evocative interiors so characteristic of this artist’s work evoke the airy spaciousness of rooms in which on can breathe easily. At their center are large windows facing out onto landscapes and cityscapes, whose contorted, vertigo-inducing vistas perfectly capture the disconcerting nature of an uncertain world.
Also on display in this exhibition is a small bronze sculpture of a contortionist balancing on one hand—the only human form amongst her landscape scenes. A catalogue, containing a text by Jonathan Turner, is available in the gallery.
Nube purpurea