Umberto di Marino Arte Contemporanea
Via Colonne 2/B, 80014 Giugliano in Campania, NA , Italy
Tel.++39 081 8951818/8958052
Fax++39 081 8951818/8197798
Hours: 11am-1:30pm, 5pm-8:30pm
Contact: Umberto di Marino

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Umberto di Marino Arte Contemporanea
Antonio Serrapica Fatti un mondo in mano

Curated by Simona Barucco.
Fatti un mondo in mano is the title of Antonio Serrapica’s solo show at the Umberto Di Marino Arte Contemporanea gallery.
The exhibition presents Neapolitan artist’s latest output—five large-scale canvases—and a selection of small-scale pieces that trace an almost anthological path through Serrapica’s artistic career.
The works offer an immediate impression of the artist’s extraordinarily fresh expressive facility, while the titles include: Le dolci città italiane in silenzio col cuore in fiamme si innamorano dei paesi curiosi e appassionati mentre rubano, consumano i giorni e le notti in un abbraccio circolare (Silently, with ardent hearts, the sweet Italian cities fall in love with curious and passionate countries while they steal, consume, their days and nights in a circular embrace), Landscape, Arie di Na...poli e province (Air of Na...ples and Province, Pulcinella professore è allievo a casa sua (Pulcinella professor is a student in his house).

Born in Castellammare di Stabia (Naples) in 1960, Serrapica has taken part in numerous exhibitions including Portofranco curated by Franco Toselli at the Ca'di Fra' in Milan, Della Notte at the Pio Monti Gallery in Rome, and Artisti Suonati at the Trevi Flash Art Museum.
He currently live and works in Castellammare di Stabia.

Antonio Serrapica
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