Lehmann Maupin
39 Greene Street, NY 10013 New York , U.S.A.
Tel.++1 (212) 9650753
Fax++1 (212) 9650754
Contact: Rachel Lehmann / David Maupin
E-mail: lmgallery@earthlink.net

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Lehmann Maupin
Terry Winters Set Diagram

Set Diagram is an exhibition of sixty new paintings by Terry Winters, in a site-specific installation created by architect and writer Rem Koolhaas. This project grew out of discussion between Winters and Koolhaas about the creation of exhibiting a large number of works, which could be displayed in a variety of possible permutations. With reference to the dynamic installations of Russian Constructivism, the exhibition extends the forces contained in the paintings into the physical environment of the gallery.
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