Lehmann Maupin 39 Greene Street, NY 10013 New York
Tel.++1 (212) 9650753
Fax++1 (212) 9650754
Contact: Rachel Lehmann / David Maupin
E-mail: lmgallery@earthlink.net
Lehmann Maupin |
Anya Gallaccio
Gallaccio creates site-specific installations often using organic materials, whose natural processes of tranformation and decay provide unpredictable results. For her first solo exhibition in New York Gallaccio confronts the issue of impermanence by creating organic objects in permanent form, including a life-size bronze tree, albeit covered with hundreds of real apples, as well as a group of bronze potatoes and beans. In addiction, the gallery’s plywood floors are burned giving the space a scorched appearance and a lingering odor.