Koffler Gallery
4588 Bathurst St. Toronto, M2R 1W6 Ontario , Canada
Tel.++1 (416) 6361880 ext. 380
Fax++1 (416) 6365813
Contact: Carolyn Bell Farrell
E-mail: koffler@bjcc.ca

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Koffler Gallery
Tom Bendtsen and Simone Jones "Babel"

Curator: Carolyn Bell Farrell

Babel pairs a stepped spiral tower comprised of 7000 books by Tom Bendtsen with two kinetic installations or "mobility machines" by Simone Jones: one which is designed to allow the artist to navigate on water, the other, to fly. Collectively, the works by these two Toronto artists articulate the nature, and folly, of our aspirations to transcend the limitations of the human condition.
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