Vismara Arte Piazza San Marco 1, 20121 Milano
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Contact: Zita Vismara e Walter Pater
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Marina Tudjina Badurina Sculture, opere recenti
Born in Zagreb, Marina Tudjina Badurina gained a diploma from the School of Decorative Arts in Zagreb in 1972 and graduated from the Bath Academy of Arts in Great Britain in 1976. She currently lives in Milan. Following her first exhibition at the Galleria Schira in Zagreb in 1985, she held a number of solo shows in Milan, London, and Sarajevo. Her most recent important exhibition was held at the Hrvatska Akademija Znanosti i Umjetnosti in Zagreb. For the occasion she created the small- and medium-scale sculptures, which are currently on display at the Galleria Vismara in Milan. The curator of this exhibition of “monoliths and waves,” Pierre Restany, explains how “two fundamental factors have alternately dominated in Tudjina Badurina’s sculptural work, creating a strong dialectic: geometry, in her formulation of prismatic volumes; and refinement, in her sensual arrangement of curvilinear outlines… By their aleatory heterogeneity alone, these simple shapes acquire a strong architectural presence… these simple and evocative shapes are steeped in mystery: that of their inexorable immanence… The other series is composed of the slow tumbling of waves broken by the heights of gray and blue cliffs…” Tudjina Badurina’s communicative approach is one that utilizes analogy rather than direct narrative. The emotional temperature of the artist-viewer dialogue is determined very precisely by color (solar/lunar), while that of the visual frame results from the arrangement of the composition as a whole (vertical/horizontal)… The existence of Tudjina Badurina’s terracotta sculptures is established by what they cause us to think. They exist both individually, as archetypes of a possible reality, or collectively, as modular elements of a whole.