Lazzaro by Corsi Via Broletto 39, 20121 Milano
Tel.++39 02 8052021
Fax++39 02 8052021
Hours: Tue.-Sun. 10am-1pm, 4pm-7:30pm Contact: Adriano Corsi
E-mail: lazzarocorsi@tin.it
web www.gallerialazzaro.it
Lazzaro by Corsi |
Walter Lazzaro Incipit
A selection of recently re-discovered preparatory works by Walter Lazzaro—including drawings, studies, and sketches—are being displayed for the first time, providing an exhibition that allows for a more intimate exploration of the thought processes behind the artist’s works at the very moment of their creative inception.
These works show the symbols that Lazzaro used to fix the idea at he moment in which it dawned on him, to stop it from escaping. The images transmit a multitude of meanings—both explicit and implied—that communicate, fascinate, and bear the “mark of the heart.”
Through these drawings, the exhibition also reconstructs the various stages in Lazzaro’s career and bears witness to how a mere handful of pencil marks or brushstrokes are enough to give an often surprising life and energy to the figures and objects, both real and imaginary, that he depicts.

Incipit - invitation