Lazzaro by Corsi Via Broletto 39, 20121 Milano
Tel.++39 02 8052021
Fax++39 02 8052021
Hours: Tue.-Sun. 10am-1pm, 4pm-7:30pm Contact: Adriano Corsi
E-mail: lazzarocorsi@tin.it
web www.gallerialazzaro.it
Lazzaro by Corsi |
Walter Lazzaro Elegia del mare
This evocatively titled exhibition, held at the Galleria Lazzaro by Corsi, displays works from 1930 to 1988 by the great master Walter Lazzaro.
The theme of the sea was one particularly dear to Lazzaro, and seemed almost to be the natural element of his birth. In fact, he grew up by the sea and in subsequent years rendered its every chromatic subtlety in his paintings. By a clever use of light, Lazarro was able to evoke wonderful dawns, noons, and sunsets that were deeply alluring and, at times, suffused with melancholy.
The stillness that pervades his canvases is only apparent. As Paolo Levi has written, “Each of his creations inhabits an abstract movement beyond our comprehension.” This is equally true of his formative works, the primordi elegiaci (First Elegies) (1930-1948), of his attempts to go beyond the silence, the soggettivita’ elegiaca (Elegiac Subjectivity) (1953-1969), and of his elegia del silenzio (Elegy of Silence) (1972-1988), whose works attain a sort of transcendence of the image.
Making careful use of space, Lazzaro manages to convey the very essence of the sea in its most essential form: when sand, water, and sky, defined by subtle tonal variations, become lost on the faint line of infinity.
Elegia del mare - catalogue