Lazzaro by Corsi
Via Broletto 39, 20121 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 8052021
Fax++39 02 8052021
Hours: Tue.-Sun. 10am-1pm, 4pm-7:30pm
Contact: Adriano Corsi
E-mail: lazzarocorsi@tin.it
web www.gallerialazzaro.it

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Lazzaro by Corsi
Oreste Jannelli Ombraetrasparenza

Introduced by Paolo Levi.

Ombra e trasparenza: shadow and transparency, like the subtly changing moods of life. This is the inspiration behind Oreste Jannelli’s solo show at the Galleria Lazzaro by Corsi.
There is shadow and transparency in the landscapes and still-life pieces that Jannelli paints with the calm detachment of one who “observes from above,” a man freed of his earthly chains.
Yet, they are laden with emotion, poetry, and romanticism as well. Everything is done with great measure, the measure that springs forth from the soul of the complete man-artist-poet.
Human experience, artistic vocation, and poetry coexist in Jannelli’s work, blended together with great harmony and intensity of feeling.
The fundamental characteristics of these “painted sounds” are Janelli’s gentle touch, his sensitive palette, and light shading. Standing before them we experience feelings of awe at the simplicity of his communicative approach, whether direct or implied.
The overall effect is softened by his use of light, which, rather than making the objects and landscapes stand out, seems to want to abduct them, to leave them suspended in a non-time.
“The secret of Jannelli’s art lies in the special energy that emanates from his works. It’s the energy of poetry, a breath that holds things still then makes them reappear in a space that is no longer mundane and, as such, is completely open to interpretation”.
(Paolo Levi)

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