Galleria Blu
Via Senato 18, 20121 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 76022404
Fax++39 02 782398
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:30am-12:30pm, 4pm-7:30pm, Sat 4pm-7:30pm
Contact: Daniele Palazzoli
E-mail: galleriablu@tiscalinet.it
web www.galleriablu.com

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Galleria Blu
44 Blu

The gallery celebrated forty-four years of business with an exhibition of forty-four artworks. All, of course, in blue. A blue of the highest quality in works of the highest quality, like the quality that has been the gallery’s byword since its inception.
Another particular element of the show lay in the choice of artists, selected from the prestigious list of those who have participated in both solo and group exhibitions, often exclusively, at the gallery during its many years in business. Among these figure some of the great masters of the twentieth century: Giacomo Balla, Max Ernst, Lucio Fontana, Jaen Fautrier, Sam Francis, Hans Hartung, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Yves Klein, Henry Moore, Emil Nolde, Giuseppe Santomaso, Kurt Schwitters.
The artistic value of the works cannot, of course, be judged by the tones of blue they employ, yet undoubtedly, the focus on this single color gives the show added interest. From a historical point of view, it is only in recent times that blue has held such a positive value. Goethe, in his "Color Theory" of 1810, highlighted its ambiguities.
With the twentieth century avant-gardes, however, blue developed a fresh, exciting expressivity: we need only think of the adoption of Der Blaue Reiter (The Blue Rider) as a title by that group of German artists who were seeking a definition for their work that was provocative, yet laden with implications and possibilities.
It is possible also to perceive, by looking at the works on display, how varied the roads are along which these artists have traveled. Of particular interest are the comparisons drawn between Balla’s Canto patriottico (1915) and Fontana’s Concetto spaziale-Attese (1966), between Klee’s >i>Veduta di Weimar (1925) and Klein’s IKB 207 (1957), between Kandinsky’s Miteinander (1931) or Kurt Schwitters’ Herzenskind (1939) and Pablo Picasso’s Homme à l'agneau et musicien (1967). Quite beyond the color which links them, all the works are significant in themselves and stimulating both for the regular art lover and the occasional gallery visitor.

Works by:Iras Baldessari, Giacomo Balla, Renato Birolli, Agostino Bonalumi, Francis Bott, Tommaso Cascella, Pierre Casé, Enrico Della Torre, Fortunato Depero, Piero Dorazio, Alberto Giacometti, Max Ernst, Lyonel Feininger, Vincenzo Ferrari, Lucio Fontana, Sam Francis, Pinot Gallizio, Herbert Hamak, Raymond Hains, Hans Hartung, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Yves Klein, Frantisek Kupka, Michael Larionov, Fernand Leger, Sandro Martini, Henry Moore, Emil Nolde, Gastone Novelli, Achille Perilli, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray, Odilon Redon, Giuseppe Santomaso, Gerard Schneider, Bernard Schultze, Kurt Schwitters, Medhat Shafik, Atanasio Soldati, Yves Tanguy, Italo Valenti, Luigi Veronesi, Wols.

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