e/static Via Parma 31, 10152 Torino
Tel.++39 011 8395667
Fax++39 011 8395667
Contact: Carlo Fossati
E-mail: e.static@tiscalinet.it
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EXIT-01 (variazioni senza tema)
Michele Di Mauro, Simone Mussat Sartor, Paolo Piscitelli, Steve Roden, Luca Vitone
A project curated by Carlo Fossati with Francesco Bernardelli.
Just as when the sun is setting for us it is rising in another part of the world, so as we leave a particular place or situation we are entering another. This move, this change of environment brings with it the possibility of new encounters, of starting afresh. When we come to a junction and are about to cross the street, the road that we have walked along will be a completely new one when we leave it, it will never be the same again. We can even cross borders with just a look or a word, our head following the lead of our ear or eye: thus it is that roads meet and change name. Four events follow one after another in the space of an hour or a little more, overlapping one another and blending together, like a game of mirrors in which the one mirror immediately, unintentionally reflects the other, according to a natural rhythmic order, just as night follows day and silence precedes sound.
Michele Di Mauro interacted with Simone Mussat Sartor’s video camera, carrying out a performance that used gestures, words, and sounds. Following on from this, Paolo Piscitelli presented a work of acoustic sculpture for the first time in public. Steve Roden, live from Miami via a Web link, then created several drawings with his eyes closed and, finally, Luca Vitone offered a program of music performed by Beppe Turletti. Live on the Website www.the-set.tv
Exit - 01 - invitation