Massimo Carasi Arte Contemporanea
Via San Longino 1/B, 46100 Mantova , Italy
Tel.++39 0376 363248
Fax++39 0376 363248
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10am-12;45pm, 3:30pm-7:30pm and by appointment
Contact: Massimo Carasi
E-mail: carasi-massimo@libero.it
web www.carasi.it

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Massimo Carasi Arte Contemporanea
Luca Francesconi Necessario adempimento di un obbligo sociale

This exhibition is the result of a project in which the young artist analyzed the fulfillment of social obligations.
Spread over two floors of the gallery, Francesconi’s works are created in a variety of media. Nonetheless, they constitute a unified network, one that captures in a vivid way the actions and memories of individual and shared experiences.
The installation (an enormous castle made from thousands of playing cards), photographs (documenting the challenges met), and drawings (relating to the series of public figures), provoke consideration, on different levels, of the roles and duties that develop within the framework of society.

Necessario adempimento di un obbligo sociale

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