Massimo Carasi Arte Contemporanea
Via San Longino 1/B, 46100 Mantova , Italy
Tel.++39 0376 363248
Fax++39 0376 363248
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10am-12;45pm, 3:30pm-7:30pm and by appointment
Contact: Massimo Carasi
E-mail: carasi-massimo@libero.it
web www.carasi.it

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Massimo Carasi Arte Contemporanea
Gruppo Eya Repertrix

This is the second solo show for Gruppo Eya at the gallery. On display is the brand new installation, Repertrix, which further explores and extends some of the themes dealt with in their previous exhibition, Pozor, and in the piece, Forma Mentis, seen in the recent group show Sette artisti della Scena Italiana, sculture ed installazioni nelle Stanze di Rigoletto (Seven Artists from the Italian Scene, Sculptures and Installations in Rigoletto’s Rooms). Now, Magda Selis and Alessandro Vallainc have condensed into the two installations on show, human nature suspended between affection and dislike. Mixing throwbacks to the past, thoughts, actions, and technology, the works grab the attention of all those who see them. . Repertrix (inventor of the arts) is a sophisticated act of creation that awakens thoughts and memories. The piece contains objects and photographic images that evoke ancient rituals of nature and maternity: metaphors of a condition poised between content and container. A Webcam transmits images of the installation, situated on the lower floor of the gallery, and the changes it undergoes as the hours pass. These real time images are then projected onto the wall next to the window on the gallery’s upper floor to create a further artifice.

Gruppo Eya: Magda Selis (Cagliari '72) & Alessandro Vallainc (Cagliari '74) live and work in Milan. They have taken part in numerous solo shows and group exhibitions, both in Italy and in Europe, including: Emporio 2, Viafarini, Milan; Care/off, Cusano Milanino (curated by Luca Beatrice e Alessandra Galletta); Sette Artisti della Scena Italiana, Casa di Rigoletto, Mantova (curated by Francesca Comisso e Luisa Perlo); Germinazioni, Salara arte contemporanea, Bologna (curated by Dede Auregli e Riccardo Passoni); Passaggi a Nord Ovest, Quartiere villaggio La Marmora, Biella (Turin) (curated by Michelanhelo Pistoletto, gruppo Manifesto 0 e Alberto Fiz); Germination XI, Workshop, Prague (Repubblica Ceka)(curated di T. TÖrÖK); Arte al muro,sede Big Torino 2000, Turin (curated by R.Passoni); Park of the Future, Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam (NL); Show, Foyer Gallery, Wimbledon, London (GB)
Following events: 2001 Fionda, Spazio Arte - Ridotto Teatro Manzoni, Monza (curated by G. Viganň).
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