Galleria Marabini
Via Nosadella 45, 40123 Bologna , Italy
Tel.++39 051 6447482
Fax++39 051 6440029
Hours: Tue.-Sat 3:30pm-7:30pm and by appointment
Contact: Marco Romagnoli
E-mail: info@galleriamarabini.it
web www.galleriamarabini.it

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Galleria Marabini
Francesco Spampinato

Active for only two years now, young artist Francesco Spampinato is presenting some large-scale paintings in acrylic on square canvases for his first solo show at the Galleria Marabini. Spampinato’s painting fuses conceptualism and subculture, applied arts and advertising imagery, fashion and design. Isolating the subject from its context, the artist codifies icons and gestures from the public arena, be it ancient or modern. These real-life elements pave the way for the viewer to be swept up into a virtual realm in which the logos and symbols depicted take on completely new meanings, which extend far beyond their original scope. The persuasiveness of Spampinato’s graphic-based approach expresses a need to communicate and an evident desire to resemble album and magazine covers.

Born in Catania in 1978, Spampinato currently lives and works in Bologna and studies at Bologna University’s faculty of Conservation. Since 1998, he has held solo shows and taken part in numerous group exhibitions, most recently Emporio at Via Farini in Milan, curated by Guido Molinari.

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