Piazza Vittorio Veneto 14, 10123 Torino , Italy
Tel.++39 011 8175031
Fax++39 011 8175031
Contact: Duilio Gambino

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Since 1984, Overstudio presents exhibitions of various trends. From the great historical artists, Schifano, Rauschemberg, Ceroli, to groups of Scandinavian, French trends and the recent ‘Nuova Realidad Argentina’. It alternated the avant-garde range with a series of important photography exhibitions. From Giuseppe Pino, Secchiaroli, Jean Loup Sieff to Toscani, the great names of ‘Vogue’. Various groups have alternated to the ‘Pulp Painting’ exhibition to ‘Lene Cablate’ with Bostik, Barile, and Spinelli.

Overstudio is also the management area of ‘Food Art’ with exhibitions, arranged at Lingotto and at the Salone del Gusto. Editions of this event are translated in English and, in co- operation with the Region of Lombardy, various installations and exhibitions will be presented
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