La Torre Arte Moderna
Via Settala, 10 - ang. V.le Tunisia, 20124 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 29510480
Fax++39 02 29510480
Hours: Tues.-Sat. 10am/12:30pm-4pm/7:30pm
Sun.-Mon. 4pm/7pm.
Contact: Filippo Conte
E-mail: gallerialatorre@libero.it
web www.gallerialatorre.it

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La Torre Arte Moderna

Gallery view

The gallery La Torre was founded in 1972 and has always dedicated itself to the great artists of the XX century Italian art and of the historical Abstractionism.
These are the two topics, underlying an activity without trend discriminations, but focused on the major artists of contemporary and modern art. The main concern of the gallery La Torre has always been that of proposing refined works and valid in terms of quality to its art collectors. This does not imply that the gallery La Torre took an interest in the new market trends and in the works of ‘young’ artists, in view of the great uproar in the contemporary art outlook.After nearly thirty years of activity, the main goal of the gallery La Torre has always been and will always be that of meeting the needs of old and new art collectors, all this with quality, seriousness and expertise.
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