Laure Genillard Gallery
82-84 Klerkenwell Road,  London ECI 5RJ , England
Tel.++44 207 4908853
Fax++44 207 4908854
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 11am-6pm
Contact: Laure Genillard

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The Laure Gennillard gallery is located on a first floor in Clerkenwell at the North West junction with St. John Street.
The gallery presents paintings, sculptures and installations by a current generation of British, European and American artists. Its direction stems from late 20th century modernistic developments such as 70’ s minimal and conceptual art.
These autonomous, formalistic and site-specific approach, using mediums such as photography, text and video, engage the gallery in further research towards today forms of artistic expression.
Itsincreasingly visual and technological (global) culture unlocks strategies of current communication with their personal language.

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