Galleria d'Arte Pace
Piazza San Marco, 1 , 20121 Milano , Italy
Tel.++39 02 6590147
Fax++39 02 6592307
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 10am-12:30pm, 3:30pm-7pm
Contact: Gimmi Stefanini
E-mail: pace@galleriapace.com
web www.galleriapace.com

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Galleria d'Arte Pace

Gallery view

The art gallery Pace boasts nearly 50 years of activity in the field of Figurative Arts, the result of the work of two generations, as well as an incalculable number of solo and group exhibitions, dedicated to the major exponents of Italian and foreign art.
Since 1980, the art gallery Pace also carries out the activity of Auction House (Agency of Public Auctions on behalf of third parties). For each sale a catalogue, which illustrates the items that will be presented, as the one here beside, is printed. Each year 3-4 sales are held: two in spring and one-two in autumn. The delivery of the works to insert in the catalogue must occur within about 40 days from the sale.
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