Galleria Antonella Nicola
Via Baretti 3, 10125 Torino , Italy
Tel.++39 011 6503978
Fax++39 011 6686210
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 3pm-7:30pm
Contact: Antonella Nicola
E-mail: a_nicola@libero.it

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Galleria Antonella Nicola

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The gallery founded in January 2001 by Antonella Nicola, promotes young Italian and foreign artists, with a particular attention at Video Art and photography.
From 1998 to 2000 Antonella Nicola programs the activities of Associazione Hyperion Arte Contemporanea realinzing projects, exhibitions and video reviews in collaboration with museums, institutions and galleries in Italy and abroad.
Some solo exhibition: Liliana Moro, Cesare Viel, Joko, Satoshi Hirose, Marco Samorč, Loris Cecchini. Some project and video review: Inquadrature sull'arte contemporanea I Edition with Joseph Beuys, Jannis Kounellis, Bruce Nauman e Bertrand Lavier; II Edition con Alighiero Boetti, Rebecca Horn, Roman Signer, Jean Tinguely, Panamarenko.
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