Galleria Continua
Via Arco dei Becci e Cugnanesi 1, 53037 San Gimignano, SI , Italy
Tel.++39 0577 943134
Fax++39 0577 940484
Hours: Tues.-Sun. 3pm-7pm and by appointment.
Contact: Mario Cristiani Lorenzo
E-mail: continu@tin.it

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Galleria Continua

Gallery view with
an installation by
Juan Muñoz, 1997

The gallery Continua was founded in 1990 in San Gimignano by Mario Cristiani, Lorenzo Fiaschi and Maurizio Rigillo. The gallery is interested in promoting, spreading and supporting the work of young Italian artists abroad, as well as introducing international artists not sufficiently known yet in Italy by means of solo exhibitions and catalogues. Among the events arranged annually, there is “Il Punto”, a congress-exhibition, where representatives of different artistic subjects (visual arts, theatre, poetry, etc.).
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