Studio La Cittą
Via Dietro Filippini 2 , 37121 Verona , Italy
Tel.++39 045 597549/8003708
Fax++39 045597028
Hours: Tue.-Sat. 9am/1pm - 3:30pm/7:30pm
Contact: Michael Haggerty
E-mail: la.citta@sis.it
web www.studiolacitta.it

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Studio La Cittą

Gallery view

Studio la Cittą was founded in 1969 in the historic centre of Verona. The gallery exhibits the works of young artists as well as those now considered contemporary classics. It has never been concerned with divisions between abstract and figurative art but, rather, with artists who operate with a similar interior coherence. Similarly, its choices are unprejudiced by the nationality, age or gender of the artists or by divisions of genre: photographic shows have always been an important part of the gallery's activity, as have exhibitions of design and architecture.

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