Galleria Marabini
Via Nosadella 45, 40123 Bologna , Italy
Tel.++39 051 6447482
Fax++39 051 6440029
Hours: Tue.-Sat 3:30pm-7:30pm and by appointment
Contact: Marco Romagnoli
E-mail: info@galleriamarabini.it
web www.galleriamarabini.it

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After five years of activity in the sphere of Contemporary Art, the Galleria Marabini has moved to a new exhibition hall to accept internationally famous young artists. Located inside a former monastery dating from the 1500's, the two-storey building was an old stable, now restored and with five showrooms.
The Galleria Marabini centres on a selection of young, emerging international artists playing important roles in the development of new Contemporary Art suggestion. Some of them have already achieved recognition in international Museums and Biennal Exhibitions but, being young, their works are still available at a reasonable price.
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