Jordi Barnadas c/o Consell de Cent 347, 08007 Barcelona
Tel.++34 93 2156365
Fax++34 93 4872588
Contact: Jordi Barnadas i Rull
E-mail: barnadas@retemail.es
web www.barnadas.com
Jordi Barnadas |
OLD SHOWS | Marc Jesùs | from | 4/7/2001 | to | 28/7/2001 | Dolors Curell | from | 7/6/2001 | to | 30/6/2001 | J.M. Cuasante | from | 10/5/2001 | to | 2/6/2001 | Antoni Salgot | from | 5/4/2001 | to | 5/5/2001 | Montse Casacuberta | from | 8/3/2001 | to | 3/4/2001 | Gabriel Schmitz | from | 8/2/2001 | to | 3/3/2001 | Joan Pallarès | from | 11/1/2001 | to | 3/2/2001 | Collectiva De Natale | from | 13/12/2000 | to | 5/1/2001 | Sacha Tròger | from | 9/11/2000 | to | 10/12/2000 | Pere Falcò | from | 10/10/2000 | to | 4/11/2000 | J. W. Saladrigas | from | 14/9/2000 | to | 7/10/2000 |