Jordi Barnadas
c/o Consell de Cent 347, 08007 Barcelona , Spain
Tel.++34 93 2156365
Fax++34 93 4872588
Contact: Jordi Barnadas i Rull

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Jordi Barnadas

Gallery view

The Jordi Barnadas Gallery was founded in June 1992 and initially dealt with original graphic works. Later on it began to exhibit original paintings by young artists. Presently it alternatively exhibits works by well known and young artists in an eclectic fashion. During these years the gallery has been outstanding in discovering news values which have later succeded all around Spain and abroad.
The Jordi Barnadas gallery follows a philosophy in acordance with the actual times, where the concepts are broader. New representational, realism, abstract or conceptualism items can all exist together. A mix of secure and risky values, turn Jordi Barnadas Gallery into a modern self-styled gallery.
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