The 28th annual FIAC 2001 will take place from 10 - 15 October at Porte de Versailles (Paris expo, Hall 4). Despite the current world events the fair’s selection committee, the COFIAC, has undertaken to limit the number of participating galleries to 160 from 44 cities in 16 countries (as opposed to 196 in 2000) privileging instead the quality of the projects on offer (new works, site-specific installations or exhibitions on a theme conceived for the FIAC). As a result FIAC has 30% new participants this year including major galleries such as Micheline Szwajcer from Belgium, Waddington from the United Kingdom, Metro Pictures from the United States, while at the same time facilitating the participation of young galleries such as Olivier Houg from Lyon (France), The Maze from Turin (Italy), Shine from London, and Steinek from Vienna. In addition, there will be a series of panel talks on: the Tax System and European Harmonization; Foundations and Private Collections; and Art Education in France. This year’s selection commitee included Anne Lahumière, Paris, Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris and Jill Silverman van Coenegratchs, the Lisson gallery, London.www.fiac-online.com. (James Goulder)