The three drawings fortuitously recovered two years ago in a private home in Carrara (Italy) may be attributed to Michelangelo Buonarroti. The 16th century sheets (24 x 12 cm) depicting a Male nude, a Horseman and studies of Male heads, executed in sanguine, were hidden, together with a fourth drawing, in the frame of a period print that fell, prompting the recovery. The lengthy period of time that passed without news of this incredible and precious discovery being disclosed, allowed time for scrupulous research to be carried out, useful in confirming the authenticity of the works. Tests included an in depth chemical analysis and artistic and historical research under the supervision of the expert Mauro Pisani. The carbon 14 test confirmed the period of execution of the three drawings, dating them to the 16th century. According to Pisani, who values the three Michelangelo drawings around $32,596,400 (€38,000,000), the works and the research documentation will be presented soon. (Dorian Cara)